They taught her catechism so well, that she know it better than I do

Zofia Kosak-Szczucka ordered, with her rule (every saved child has to be a child of the church), to baptize Janka. Mrs. Maria reminds: “For my Mum it had to be Janka’s decision, although she knew that it could reduce the risk for our family. The documents would be real.” Zofia Kossak persuaded Mrs. Maria’s parents. Zofia’s son - Witold and Jadzia, a link, a daughter of Cat Mackiewicz, said they would prepare Janka to the baptism and thet they wolud be her godfather and godmother. “They taught her catechism so well that she know it better than I do!” laughs Mrs. Maria. Janka was baptized in Wszystkich Świętych Church in Warsaw.

The doctors and Mrs. Maria’s parents fear that Mrs. Róża would infect Janka came true. Janka was sick. “Janeczka was coughing and it turned out that she has cavern in her lungs as big as a greengage.” Says Mrs. Maria with excitement. “My parents decided to locate her in Otwock in sanatorium antytuberculosis. Janka stayed there for 6 months. We were going there and bringing her some food. In spite of her protests she stayed there for a half of year but she was cured effectively.”

Janka came back home and in the spring 1944 she joined the group preparing to their first Holy Communion. The neighbours and their children didn’t mind it and they treated her normally.

In the summer 1944 Mrs. Maria went to take some practice at Kawińscy’s. She escaped from being taken to work by Germans. She was thought to stay there for two months but she stayed only a month. Her father and brother took her. Warsaw was prepering to the insurrection.

“Kawińscy gave us a lot of food, which was given to the AK. We were sufering the famine during the insurection but solidres needed food more.”-Mrs. Maria explains. “Just before the insurection my confirmation was. On my third name I took Zofia. Zofia Kossak-Szczucka was my idol.” Mrs. Maria admits.