The Warsaw Uprising. A sprut against invader became a fact. I think that we shouldn’t discuss about rightness of this event. Let’s go back to the Righteous’a story form this time.
Mrs. Maria’s mother and brothet went to the “Odwet” battalion. All this contingent was located in Kolonia Staszica, in privets detached houses. The mother was a commander of sanitary contingent contain of 60 people. Jerzy (brother) was fighting directly.
“1st August I escorted my mother to the Kolonia and went back hole quickly to stay there with my father (he has an asthma) and Janka” – says Righteous with excitement. “During the uprising I was responsible for Janka who was hanging tightly to my skirt when she was hearing bombs. I was trying not to show her my fear to encourage her.”
18th August the house in Twarda street was bombed. “When I woke up I realised that I was trapped in the other side ofcorridor than father and Janka. Since this time I turned grey. It is my reminder from the uprising... My father knew where I was and soon I was free.” Mrs Maria interrupts her story suddenly. “After going out of the debris I went upstairs to our flat. I was looking for something which could be useful. The view was awful. Overturned wardrobes and ruined walls... I took a cross which my grandfather had had in 1863 during the January Uprising, letters from Siberia and some trinkets. We went on Sienkiewicza street. I left an inscription on a wall for my mum. In Sienkiewicza street we were at people who we didn’t even knew well. We were sleeping in a cellar.”