Janeczka was very gifted. In Plock she went to third class... Earlier Mrs. Maria and her mother taught her how to write, read and count.
Mrs. Róża’s brother-Janka’s uncle, Zwanzigar, started to look for his family in poland by International Red Cross. He wrote a letter to Zurich. In the same time Mrs. Maria’s father wrote a letter on the adress given by Mrs. Róża (before she died). The Zwanzigar family didn’t live at the given adress but the letter went to Zurich. Families managed to have a contact. “They helped us to bring up Janka. They were sending us a lot of packages with food. Unfortunately the packages were emptied and filled by stones.”- says Mrs. Maria sadly.
Mrs. Maria went to secondary school named Staniław Małachowski in Plock. During the war Germans had there a stable. “Everybody was cleanig this building. There I got the secondary school certificate.”
In 1955 the family went back to Milanówek.
“In 1963 I got a flat in Warsaw. I really wanted to study medicine, but they didn’t take me up because of my brother who was abroad. Then I worked in Polimex, but they fired me when they heard about my brother.” It was a strange, terrible time. Everyone who had a contact with someone who was abroad had a big problem.
“Then I got married and had the children. I wored in project office.”- says Mrs. Maria without any details. Her husband was a lawyer. He had studied low and journalism on Warsaw University. “When he applied to prosecutor's office, they rejected him because I had a brother abroad. He didn’t even know him! It was absurd!”